"Bara við 2" Kristín Karólína
solo exhibition at Harbinger Reykjvík
6 July, 2019
The travel agency Just the Two of Us announces journeys
into an undersea forest – the origin of all driftwood out on the ocean
when it’s raining from the clouds on your screen with a crack of thunder and the mountains collapse and the sky too.
The ferryman waits and offers you a good morning, out there in the world without any European accent.
Burning smell and windy rain, when the forest fire sinks into the sea in updated clouds of memory.
Storage full – demands more space
Where can we go? Just the two of us, into the dreams, up in the clouds?
Saved or erased?
Is this good weather or bad weather?
Chaos pretends to be passion on borders.
(Have you ever been afraid of a tree?)
On Judgment day, you will meet a dog (with his ears keyed up) perhaps while you sleep.
Come, take me with you, it’s just the 2 of us.
Who told you that romanticism would not be a life-threatening situation!
The exhibition "Just the 2 of us" is the sixth and final exhibition of the exhibition series Romance and Relaxation in Harbinger curated by Kristín Helga Ríkharðsdóttir, Una Björg Magnúsdóttir, Rúnar Örn Marinósson and Veigar Ölnir Gunnarsson. Romance and Relaxation consist of six exhibitions for the first seven months of 2019.
